Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wiggin Out

Those who have known me since at least college have probably been witness to a good "Amy Freak Out." This usually includes some inaudible monologuing, noises that sound a bit like a wounded and therefor pissed off animal, and some sort of physical reaction (throwing pillows, lying on the floor, ect...)

Yesterday I had a nice mini-freak out (there was no lying down on the floor or hanging out inside a closet). Found out that Church's big-but-quite-frankly-unimportant-in-the-grand-scheme-of-things event is the same weekend as my sister's big-and-truly-important event. And of course, the events are only about 12 hours apart and on different coasts. Sweet.

Add to that general left-over stress from the weekend, the 3rd funeral in a week, and silly girl-thinks-boy-is-interesting-but-can't-get-read-on-boy, and you have the mini-freak out.

All is better now - Other Pastor is backing me up on my going to sister's event AND talking to Man Who Makes Me Cry In My Own Office about this past Sunday (he had sent me an e-mail wanting to get together to share some "thoughts" and OP is going to run interferance!). Silly girlness was momentary and has passed, and while I do have ANOTHER funeral this weekend, I think I'm just getting used to it.

But, as always, when I'm wiggin out, I have wonderful friends who just let me spaz and my background on my computer to calm me down - a yummy picture of our President-Elect. Oh happy day!

1 comment:

Singular Girl said...

I'm glad you didn't resort to sitting in a closet. Cause I didn't want to have to come talk you out of a closet situation again. Of course, lately, I think sitting in a closet might be kind of soothing.