Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the first rant

So something must have made the lightbulb go on that says "mmm, need private blog space." And here it is.

Other Pastor and I are meeting the the music staff on Wednesday to go through the rest of the year's worship schedule. Part of that schedule includes who's preaching what Sundays. Well, OP and I are talking in his office and he mentions to me that per our conversation earlier in the summer (in which I said I'd like to preach more high holy days... wait, excuse me, any high holy days as I haven't preached one since Palm Sunday my first year here) he'd scheduled me to preach on World Communion Sunday. Yippie, I exclaimed, that's my favorite Sunday. I remember, he says with a smile.

All good, yes? Well of course this story has a plot twist (otherwise it would be a pretty lame rant). I received the calendar that we'll use to talk about music and other fun events during worship. And I notice that while I am indeed scheduled to preach World Communion Sunday (glee!) I am not scheduled to preach any Sunday in Advent.

I'm sorry, what? Now, it's bad enough when the female Associate gets the "Mary" day because being female we can of course understand her better or preach her better or just do the Advent Sunday the male Pastor doesn't want to, but no Sunday at all? Upon realizing this, I knock on OP's door, only to find he's left the office for a bit. It's been a couple hours now and he's not back.

Now, it could very well be that he wanted to discuss which Sundays we wanted to do in Advent and thus didn't put it on the proposed calendar but he could have talked about that with me this morning when he "gave me" World Communion Sunday. I don't know what's going on (and we all know how much I hate that!). I also noticed that the way the preaching schedule breaks down, there's a 6 week gap between my preaching dates this fall. I don't think that OP knows that last time that happened, I had quite a few people asking me when I was going to preach, telling me they missed hearing my voice.

Don't worry, as soon as he gets back in, I'll be telling him.

***edited to add the update: apparently there's some confusion about what the music people are doing during Advent (are they doing a whole Sunday thing or just pieces during each Sunday) which will affect the preaching schedule. And here's where things get funny - I saw I wasn't scheduled and immediately thought "crap" but really, things are fine. OP and I have been doing really well lately (I haven't been "in trouble" for over 8 months) but I totally keep expecting the other shoe to fall, like it's too good or something. Must work on not being an anxious freak.


Teri said...

lame lame lame!

But on the other hand, I'm not even sure if we're going to HAVE a pastor by World communion sunday and so am planning on preaching myself anyway. Too bad the lectionary is all blah that day. I decided to go with Isaiah 55 instead. :-)

hope the afternoon goes well!

Teri said...

given your history, i think anxious freak is okay. it's good that you talked to him instead of stressing about it!